Thursday, February 9, 2012

Linq Except with Duplicate Members

List<string> popcapGames = new List<string> { "Zuma",



"Plants vs Zombies",




// I want all the elements except Chuzzled.

List<string> excludingChuzzled = popcapGames.Except(popcapGames.Where(x => x == "Chuzzled")).ToList();

// I expect excludingChuzzled to be: { "Zuma",

// "Bejeweled",

// "Plants vs Zombies",

// "Zuma",

// "Peggle"

// };






// but actually its: { "Zuma",

// "Bejeweled",

// "Plants vs Zombies",

// "Peggle"

// };

// What happened to my duplicate "Zuma"?


// I don't like Except any more.


My colleagues don't like the var keyword. I do.